To protect kids, families and staff during the pandemic, the organization expanded telemedicine offerings, supporting a 5,500% growth in virtual visits in less than a month.

Children’s Hospital Colorado in Aurora.
Epic EHR-linked telehealth skyrockets at Children’s Colorado

Idaho HIE partners with Aunt Bertha to help bridge clinical-social gap

COVID-19 sparks debate on future of healthcare
HIMSS20 Digital
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New model draws on hospital data to help health officials time COVID-19 lockdowns
August 3
CDC director: COVID-19 reporting change was made without agency's input
August 3
How to create and maintain a productive, secure home work environment
August 3
IBM deal to provide the NHS with quicker to access cloud services
August 3
Health Foundation launches Networked Data Lab to provide healthcare insights
August 3
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July 31
House votes to overturn unique patient identifier ban
July 31
Allscripts sells its EPSi financial planning business to Strata
July 31
Real-time analytics, during the pandemic and beyond

Focusing on privacy and security in the coronavirus new normal

Population health management enters an uncharted new era

2023 vision: What's ahead for health IT this year and beyond

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